Seguro Sin Fronteras
Seguro Sin Fronteras (Insurance without borders) was created by identifying the great risks that Mexicans suffer while working in the United States and the lack of support that exists for their families back home. The membership includes a solution for each scenario in which the user or their relatives may find themselves, from a mild to a major illness.
CompanySeguro Sin Fronteras S.A de C.V.
TechnologyPhotoshop, Illustrator, CSS, HTML, PHP, JQuery, Javascript
Our RoleUX/UI Design, Logo Animation, Mobile Development, Support, Web Development
- Telephone medical consultation 24/7.
- In case of personal medical attention, the user pays 50% and we pay the rest.
- Financial support during disability.
- Repatriation in the event of an fatal accident or illness.
User Interface Mycrointeractions
Everything was ready, however the founding partners could not get the financing to scale up the project, so it was paused until the loan they requested was approved.